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NÉMETH és TÁRSA KFT. (registered office: 8500 Pápa, Hársfa utca 13 / A., company registration number: 19 09 508284, tax number: 13525228-1-19, hereinafter referred to as the Service Provider) and its customer (hereinafter referred to as the Customer) (hereinafter referred to as the Service Provider and the Customer hereinafter: Parties, aesthetic, other well-being services provided by the Service Provider to the Customer (eg: cosmetic services, wave massage, infratrainer). hereinafter: GTC) shall apply.


1.  Service

1.1 The Service Provider provides physical well-being services and educational and consulting services to the Customer (hereinafter: Services). The Service Provider declares that it has all the necessary regulatory approvals required for the provision of the Services.


2.  Rights and obligations of the Parties

The Service Provider undertakes to provide all its Services in a professional manner in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and other professional regulations.

The place of provision of the Service: 7632 Pécs, Galamb utca 14. (hereinafter: Salon) or a location determined in advance by the parties (hereinafter: external location). The Service Provider is entitled to determine the location of the Services unilaterally, and the Customer does not know and is not obliged to take into account any wishes of the Service Provider. The Service Provider is entitled to use subcontractors to fulfill its obligations, in compliance with the relevant legal regulations.

The Service Provider is entitled to use sales support tools in compliance with the provisions of the relevant special regulations.

The Service Provider receives the Customer at its registered office or external location at a pre-agreed time and provides the Service specified by the Parties, for which Service Provider is entitled to be remunerated. The Service Provider charges the current service fees at  and published on In the case of a non-natural person Customer, the Service Provider provides an individual price offer, after its acceptance the Parties enter into an Individual Contract for the performance of the given service.

The Service Provider is obliged to inform the Customer in advance about the course of examinations, treatments and interventions, its risks and possible complications. In the case of cosmetic interventions, wave massage, the Client shall provide the information by signing a separate consent statement. In case of non-acceptance of the consent statement by the Customer, the Service Provider may refuse to provide the Service without any further justification.

The Client is obliged to appear at the treatments and examinations at the previously agreed time. The Service Provider may send a reminder message from the agreed date of the treatment or examination to the e-mail address provided by the Customer prior to the treatment or examination, if the Customer so requests. The Customer is obliged to notify the Salon immediately, but at least 24 hours in advance, if he is unable to appear at the pre-agreed time. If the Customer fails to comply with this obligation more than once, the Salon is entitled to cancel the Customer's further reservations after notification. If the Customer behaves in a manner that violates the decency of any member of the Staff and / or does not cooperate, the Service Provider is entitled to interrupt the ongoing service and call the Customer to leave. In the latter case, the Service Provider is entitled to refuse the future supply of the Customer without any other justification. In the latter case, the Customer is not entitled to any compensation / indemnification.

If the Service Provider is unable to provide the Service at a pre-agreed time due to a reason beyond its control, it shall immediately inform the Customer and provide the Customer with a new date with the consent of the Customer. In the latter case, the Customer is not entitled to any compensation / indemnification.

The Customer is obliged to appear in a suitable physical and mental state when using the Service, otherwise the Service Provider is entitled to refuse to provide the Service.

The Customer is obliged to respect the relevant legal regulations and the Service Provider's operating rules when using the Service. With special regard to the rules of hygiene and mask use.

When using the Service, the Customer is obliged to comply with the relevant legal provisions. During the Services, the Client is obliged to co-operate with the Salon Staff, the operator acting as a subcontractor of the Salon, companies, doctors and employees, including:

  • to inform them of all that is necessary to draw up an appropriate treatment plan and to carry out the interventions, in particular of any previous illness, treatment, taking of a medicinal product or medicinal product, or any risk to health;

  • to inform them, in the context of their own illness, of any danger to the life or physical integrity of others, in particular of communicable diseases and illnesses and conditions which preclude the pursuit of an occupation;

  • make the necessary or statutory statements in writing or complete questionnaires;

  • to inform them of all previous legal declarations concerning healthcare;

  • comply with the provisions received from them in connection with the Service;

  • your personal data required by law is credible

  • The Client is obliged to fill in the declarations required by law

  • The Customer is obliged to fill in the questionnaires prepared by the Service Provider, necessary for the professional and safe performance of the Service, and the statements required by law.

The Service Provider is entitled to refuse to perform the Service at any time after the examination of the Customer or during the provision of the Service, especially if

  • in view of the results of the examination or the facts and circumstances recognized during the treatments, the treatment or intervention is due to the Client's medical unfitness            no           may         to perform;

  • on the basis of the examination, it is established that the intervention requested by the Client  legislation       obsession       professional       rule       it crashes;

  • during the consultation, or at any time later, based on the opinion of the consulting doctor or section assistant, the Client is not suitable for the intervention or treatment due to his / her mental condition.

In the course of its activities, the Service Provider always takes into account the interests of the Customer - possible in the given circumstances - as well as the care and diligence expected of it.

Prior to this, the Service Provider shall inform all Clients of its data protection regulations and shall sign a statement of their acceptance. The valid data protection regulations of the Service Provider are  and published on


The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damage of any kind that can be traced back to the Customer's conduct (eg breach of its obligation to cooperate, inaccurate follow-up of instructions).

The Service Provider is not responsible for the Customer's personal belongings in the Service Provider's territory and is not obliged to preserve the Customer's forgotten property (eg jacket, umbrella, mobile phone) and deliver it to the Customer, at the same time it strives for this.

The Customer is obliged to submit his complaint to the Service Provider in writing: by post to 7632 Pécs, Galamb utca 14 .; or electronically to Complaints will be investigated by management and responded to within 7 days. To receive a complaint, the following must be provided: name, e-mail address, telephone number, justification.

3.  Remuneration

The Customer is obliged to pay a Service Fee for the use of the Service. The Service Provider is obliged to perform the treatment, intervention, examination and physical well-being services specified by the Parties only in full or in case of payment of the Service Fee in full or in the part of the fee specified in the Individual Contract.

In the case of treatment interventions, the Service Provider is obliged to inform the Customer of the fee for each treatment before the treatment.

The Fee (details) is paid against an invoice, in cash, by bank transfer or by credit card to the service provider's bank account number. In the case of Payment of Fees by bank transfer, the Service Provider accepts the original copy of the bank debit note or a certified copy identical in all respects as proof of performance.

In the case of promotions announced by the Service Provider, the promotion price is always the special contract to be concluded within the framework of the promotion or the promotion. The special price is valid only if the conditions announced in the special offer are met. If the Customer does not meet the special conditions, the Service Provider is entitled to a fee corresponding to the full price without the special offer (basic price not reduced by the special discount), which the Customer is obliged to pay to the Service Provider in advance before using the Service.

Gift card and use

With regard to the services provided by Németh és Társa Kft., Customers have the opportunity to purchase gift cards, which are valid for 6 months from the date of purchase. We will not be able to refund any unused amount after 6 months. The gift card is non-transferable, so it can only be used by presenting the gift card and presenting a photo ID.

Lease and use

With regard to the services provided by Németh és Társa Kft. And its affiliated companies, customers have the opportunity to purchase a discounted pass, which is valid for 3 months from the date of purchase. Unused opportunities after 3 months will not be refunded. The season ticket is non-transferable, so it can only be used by the Customer who buys it.


The Infratrainer service is provided by the Service Provider and its affiliated company: ÁB-Medical Kft. (Registered office: 7632 Pécs, Galamb utca 14., company registration number: 02 09 084901, tax number: 27329661-1-02). ÁB-Medical Kft. Acts in full accordance with these GTC in its relevant service, considers it binding on itself, complies with its provisions and with its employees. It has the necessary permits to carry out this activity.


The Babamozi service is provided by the Service Provider and its affiliated company: ÁB-Medical Kft. (Registered office: 7632 Pécs, Galamb utca 14., company registration number: 02 09 084901, tax number: 27329661-1-02). ÁB-Medical Kft. Acts in full accordance with these GTC in its relevant service, considers it binding on itself, complies with its provisions and with its employees. It has the necessary permits to carry out this activity. The Service Provider will do everything in its power (providing more than the agreed time for the examination, passing the expectant mother) for the visualization of the fetus during the service aimed at the visual display of the fetus, which it calls the “Baby Cinema” service. If, nevertheless, this does not happen or is not in the expected quality due to the location of the fetus, given that the reason for the failure is that the Customer outside the Service Provider is obliged to pay the current service fee.

3.1. Sweepstakes reward I its rules

The Service Provider publishes the current prize games on the ÁB-Medical and ÁB-Bodycare Facebook pages, together with the detailed rules.


4.  Responsibility

4.1. The Service Provider shall only be liable for damage under the liability insurance governing its activities, which was intentionally or through gross negligence caused by the Service Provider, including the Personnel, and which is expressly and directly related to the provision of the Service or the Service Provider, including the Personnel.


In the case of aesthetic interventions: Due to the fact that in addition to the well-known risks of aesthetic interventions (listed in the patient information leaflet), special lesions, hemorrhages, skin discolorations, scars of varying thickness, a 4.1. with the exception of the provisions of point.

The Service Provider makes every effort to achieve the desired effect and result, but the Customer acknowledges that depending on the biological response capacity of the organization and unforeseen risks, the expected result may differ from the average, due to which the Customer may not claim any compensation. Furthermore, in view of the fact that the assessment of the results of aesthetic interventions is extremely influenced depending on the individual, the Service Provider does not assume any financial or any other responsibility in the case of aesthetic complaints.

The Service Provider shall not be liable for any complications or other illnesses arising from the Customer's failure to comply with the instructions, suggestions or advice given by the person acting in these GTC or in a separate contract or by a person acting on behalf of the Service Provider.

The Service Provider is not responsible for the quality or availability of the service not operated by it, but used indirectly (eg Zoom).

Furthermore, the Service Provider does not take responsibility for the content of the services it mediates, therefore the provider of the given service is responsible.


5.  Confidentiality, data protection

The Service Provider is obliged to keep the data and facts related to the Customer and his / her health condition that came to his / her knowledge during the provision of the Service confidential and to pass it on only to those entitled to do so.

The Service Provider obtained personal data in the course of the performance of the Services in accordance with Act LXIII of the Act on the Protection of Personal Data and the Disclosure of Data of Public Interest. Act XLVII of 1997 on the Management and Protection of Health and Related Personal Data. In accordance with the governing provisions of the Act and other relevant legal regulations, it handles only for the purpose of providing services. The provisions related to data protection are contained in the Service Provider's Data Protection Regulations, which form an inseparable annex to these GTC.

We store the personal data of our customers who apply to the Service Provider for examination, treatment and physical well-being activities in accordance with the law, and upon registration our customers consent to the management of their data and their transmission to employees for patient care / service.

On the data management statement, the customers appearing at the Service Provider declare whether they would like to be informed about the new services and discounts of the Service Provider in a newsletter.


6.  Scope of the GTC

These GTC apply in general to all matters on which the Individual Agreement concluded with the Client does not expressly state otherwise.

The Service Provider reserves the right to amend these GTC. The Service Provider publishes the amendment on its premises open to customer traffic and on its website.

If certain provisions of these GTC or the Individual Agreement are or become invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity or scope of the GTC or the rest of the Individual Agreement. In this case, the regulations that best meet the will and objective of the Parties shall apply.

7.  Final provisions

The individual contract for the service between the Parties may be concluded electronically at the choice of the Customer. In this case, the service provider assigns the contract or any document containing its annexes to the customer's identity through the customer's identification and authentically certifies the order with the data, which can be clearly traced back to the customer's own signature. However, the Service Provider may at any time request that the customer make his statement on paper.


  • The Parties shall settle their dispute concerning these GTC in an amicable manner. If the negotiations related to this do not lead to a result, the Parties shall stipulate the exclusive jurisdiction of the Central District Court of Pest or the Metropolitan Court, depending on the value of the dispute.


  • The appendices form an integral part of these GTC.


  • In matters not regulated in these GTC and the Individual Contract, Hungarian law, in particular the Civil Code and CLIV on Health Care. The relevant provisions of the Act shall apply.


  • The Service Provider ensures that the Clients can get acquainted with these GTC before the establishment of the legal relationship. The GTC is public, anyone can view it.


These GTC shall enter into force on September 1, 2020. Pécs, 31.08.2021.

Updated: Aug 31, 2021

Németh és Társa Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Limited Liability Company

+36 30 3155070

7632 Pécs, Galamb utca 14

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